The Criminalization of Self-Defense: A Disturbing Trend in Some Parts of the Country

In a society that values personal safety and individual rights, self-defense has long been regarded as a fundamental means of protecting oneself from harm. The right to self-defense is deeply rooted in legal principles, including the Second Amendment of the Read More …

Red Flag Laws and Their Constitutional Implications: Undermining Due Process of Law

Red flag laws, also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), were introduced with the aim of preventing individuals deemed to be a threat to themselves or others from possessing firearms. The concept behind these laws is to allow concerned Read More …

The Dark Path of Tyranny: Examining Gun Control Measures Under Communist and Nazi Regimes

Throughout history, some of the most notorious and oppressive regimes, such as those under communist and Nazi dictators, have sought to tighten their grip on power by implementing gun control measures. Under the guise of maintaining public safety or promoting Read More …

The Recent Gun Control Push: Learning from Past Failures

In recent times, the issue of gun control has once again taken center stage in the political landscape. Advocates for stricter gun control laws argue that they are necessary to curb gun violence and ensure public safety. However, history has Read More …

Advantages of a CCDW License under Kentucky Constitutional Carry

Kentucky has become the sixteenth state to pass Constitutional Carry.  Kentucky Constitutional Carry allows people, who can legally own a firearm, carry them concealed without a license. Constitutional Carry places the Second Amendment into its rightful place and the Constitution Read More …

Gun Control Facts

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America enables citizens to protect their liberties, their families and themselves.  In recent years, the right of citizens to keep and bear arms has become very controversial.  The gun Read More …