Oregon SB 501 would limit ammo purchases and require license to buy guns

A new bill introduced in the democratic controlled Oregon legislator seeks to restrict gun rights in the state. SB 501 would limit magazine capacity to five rounds and require permits to purchase firearms. It would also limit ammo purchases to Read More …

Universal background checks lead to gun registry

Anti-gun politicians promote universal background checks to reduce crime. Enforcement of universal background checks is impossible without gun registration. The newly elected democratic majority in the House of Representatives is introducing bills that include universal background checks fore the entire Read More …

Arming Teachers suggested by Panel reviewing massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

The panel reviewing the massacre at Stoneman Douglas High school suggested arming teachers to stop school shootings.  The recommendation is in direct opposition to the views of most gun control advocates.  The state commission investigating the shooting that killed 17 Read More …

Ohio house passes Stand Your Ground Bill

The Ohio house of representatives recently passed the stand your ground bill by a vote of 64 to 26.  House Bill 228 add protections for people who fired a gun in self defense. Citizens in states that do not have stand your Read More …

Democrats propose bill banning gun parts kits

Democrats in the house of representatives have introduced a bill banning gun parts kits.  Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and sixteen other Democrats introduced HR 7115 on November 2nd.  It would prevent the sale, possession, or advertising, of 80 percent receivers, gun parts Read More …

Social Media Banning Conservatives

Large media corporations have become a new threat to freedom of speech.  The corporate threat to freedom of speech is evident with social media companies banning conservatives from their platforms. The most fundamental right in a free society is the Read More …

Levi Strauss anti gun policy attacks gun rights

Levi Strauss has joined forces with anti gun groups in an attempt to undermine Second Amendment rights of American citizens.  Levi Strauss anti gun moves include a three step process.  The company will be establishing the “Safer Tomorrow Fund” which Read More …