Death squads killing unarmed civilians in Venezuela

A United Nations report detailed horrific actions of Venezuelan government death squads killing unarmed civilians. According to an article in the New York Times government forces manipulated crime scenes to make it appear the victims were killed while resisting arrest. Read More …

Advantages of a CCDW License under Kentucky Constitutional Carry

Kentucky has become the sixteenth state to pass Constitutional Carry.  Kentucky Constitutional Carry allows people, who can legally own a firearm, carry them concealed without a license. Constitutional Carry places the Second Amendment into its rightful place and the Constitution Read More …

Supreme Court considering expanding gun rights

The Supreme Court will hear a lawsuit against New York’s ban on transporting firearms.  The decision by the court may result in expanding gun rights across the country. Justices have remained silent since the decision on Heller where the court Read More …

Kamala Harris calls for a ban on semiautomatic guns

Most democratic candidates for office make no apologies for their opposition to the Second Amendment.   Gun control laws will become an issue during the Presidential campaign with hopeful Kamala Harris calls for a ban on semiautomatic guns. Calls for a Read More …

Should Constitutional Rights be Age Restricted past 18?

  Can someone’s Constitutional rights be age restricted greater than eighteen years old?  That question that is being debated in state governments and courtrooms in different parts of the country.  The center of this debate revolves around the Second Amendment Read More …