Democratic lawmakers in Pennsylvania have introduced legislation to create gun registration within the state. HB0768, known as the Firearms Registration Act was introduced by Mary Louise Isaacson (D), Angel Cruz (D), and Mary Jo Daley (D). The General Assembly referred the bill to the committee on judiciary.
Universal background checks are usually a stepping stone to universal gun registration. Pennsylvania currently requires private sales of guns to go through a licensed dealer.
The bill requires gun owners to provide the state police with the make, model and serial number of all of their guns. Anyone caught with an unregistered gun is guilty of a crime.
Pennsylvania Gun Registration Bill Details
According to an article in Ammoland:
In addition to this requirement, they must also provide the Pennsylvania State Police with their home and work address, telephone number, social security number, date of birth, age, sex, and citizenship. This requirement is more information than a person needs to vote.
The AR 15 is one of the most popular guns in the US. Democrats want to pass laws to ban most semiautomatic guns.
If the State Police rejects the person’s application, then they will have ten days to appeal the decision. The owner must turn their firearms into the State Police within three days of receiving notification of the rejection. If a person does not appeal the decision within ten days, their right is forfeit.
A gun owner cannot transfer any unregistered firearm. Anyone caught with an unregistered gun is guilty of a crime even if they are unaware of the firearm registration status. Also just holding an unregistered firearm at a range is a crime.
The gun owner must keep all firearms unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock. If a firearms owner doesn’t secure their firearm that way, they would be guilty of a crime. This rule even applies to homes with no children.
The gun owner has 48 hours to update the State Police if they change jobs, phone numbers, addresses, or anything else on the application. If they do not update the State Police, then they could be prosecuted for violating the law.
Gun owners would need to pay a $10 fee each year for each gun they own.
Gun registration has always led to gun confiscation.
The purpose of gun registration is to eventually confiscate them. The left leaning fact checking site Snopes even lists examples of registration leading to confiscation.
Liberal politicians are unapologetic about wanting to repeal the Second Amendment but know it would be nearly impossible to achieve. Liberals work to pass laws to further restrict the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms.