Importance of Self Defense Training for Women

Programs specializing in self defense training for women are growing across the country.  Criminals consider many women to be easy targets. Self defense is a fundamental right and it is important for everyone to have the skills to protect themselves. Read More …

Self defense training is important for personal safety

The greatest deception perpetuated by many in our culture is ignoring the undeniable fact that evil exists.  Evil people will stop at nothing to commit horrific acts of violence. It is important for us to understand basic self defense techniques Read More …

Concealed Carry Training in Kentucky

Concealed carry training serves as a cornerstone in bolstering the effectiveness and safety of individuals who opt to carry firearms for personal protection. Through comprehensive instruction, participants not only hone their technical proficiency in firearm handling but also cultivate the Read More …

Mastering Concealed Carry: Practical Training with Your Everyday Attire and Gear

Concealed carry is more than just carrying a gun; it is about being ready for anything and having the tools you need to defend your family in an emergency. Practical concealed carry training is a big part of that. But Read More …

The Criminalization of Self-Defense: A Disturbing Trend in Some Parts of the Country

In a society that values personal safety and individual rights, self-defense has long been regarded as a fundamental means of protecting oneself from harm. The right to self-defense is deeply rooted in legal principles, including the Second Amendment of the Read More …

Proper pistol grip is critical for self-defense

Proper pistol grip is critical for self defense shooting, especially when drawing from a holster under stress. The grip you have on your pistol when you draw, is the grip you will have throughout the duration of the gunfight. Whatever Read More …

The best accessory for your gun is good training

The gun accessory market is filled with virtually anything you could imagine. The explosion of new gun owners has many people wondering exactly what they should buy. With all of the various products that are available on the market today, Read More …

Self Defense becoming illegal as Leftists gain power

The growing influence of leftists is making major impacts on our country that will eventually undermine our entire way of life. As they gain political power, they are striving more and more to strip basic rights away from their political Read More …

The human Right of Self Defense

The most basic of human rights is the right of self defense and self protection. The individual has a moral duty to protect oneself from physical harm inflicted by another. Rights of self protection may vary from nation to nation Read More …

First Aid Training is important to save lives

First aid training is available in most parts of the country and should be part of everyone’s skill set. We regularly talk about self defense and ways of protecting life but it is also important to have the skills to Read More …