How to recognize a legitimate firearms instructor

How is someone supposed to recognize a legitimate firearms instructor in a world of internet personalities who claim to be teaching legitimate techniques? There are some indicators that can help us make the right choice in choosing an instructor to Read More …

Pistol Accuracy Slow fire pistol drills

Pistol accuracy is a very important skill to master for anyone who carries a gun for self-defense. We have a moral and legal obligation for every round we shoot.  An inaccurate shot can injure an innocent person in a self-defense Read More …

Active shooter self-defense and survival techniques

The first step in surviving an active shooter is recognizing that no one is more responsible for your safety then you are.  It is your responsibility to learn the steps you need to take to save your own life in Read More …

Shooting on the move drills

If you study self defense situations you will quickly see that it is rare that the person defending themselves is standing still.  They are usually trying to get to cover away from their attacker.  Shooting on the move is an Read More …

Self defense training is important for personal safety

The greatest deception perpetuated by many in our culture is ignoring the undeniable fact that evil exists.  Evil people will stop at nothing to commit horrific acts of violence. It is important for us to understand basic self defense techniques Read More …