The most important part of defensive handgun training is regularly shooting your defensive pistol. Regular training builds muscle memory and the skills necessary for accurate shooting.
The pistol you carry to protect yourself is the one you need to be the most familiar with. It is important to choose a pistol that works for you.
Don’t forget to shoot your defensive handgun
Shooting different guns is very fun but notice the differences in grip and point of aim from your EDC. Your grip will change between guns as will your point of aim.
Defensive handgun training is about building muscle memory. Shooting other guns over a period of time will change that muscle memory.
Shooting My Glock 19 and Sig P320
The grip angle of my Sig P320 causes me to dip the front sight post down when I extend out. The difference in grip angle between my Sig and my Glock 19 is the cause. This issue goes away after shooting a few magazines.

When I return to my Glock 19, I have a tendency to aim high when I extend out to fire a shot. Other guns I have grip differently than my Glock also.
Spending time on the range is fun but I always spend time shooting my EDC shortly after.
Train to protect yourself
People do not rise to the occasion; they default to their level of training. The more defensive handgun training you do with your EDC, the better you will be in a self defense situation.
The purpose of Concealed Carry is having the tools necessary to protect yourself and your family. The purpose of training is to make you proficient with the tools you carry.