The South Dakota legislature on Tuesday passed constitutional carry of handguns. The bill allows citizens to carry concealed weapons without requiring a permit. Governor Kristi Noem has expressed support for the bill and is expected to sign it into law.
The Argus Leader reports:
The House passed Senate Bill 47 in a 47-23 vote on Tuesday, and Noem now has five days, not including the weekend, to decide whether to sign the measure. If she vetoes the bill, it will return to the Legislature, which can override Noem’s veto with a two-thirds majority vote.
Noem has said she supports permit-less concealed carry, but she’ll consider the bill’s exact language when making her decision.
“We are pleased to see constitutional carry pass the state Senate and House of Representatives. Hopefully Gov. Noem will see the benefit in providing law-abiding South Dakotans with the ability to better defend themselves and their families,” a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association said in a statement.
South Dakota will become the fourteenth state to pass a law that eliminates the need for licensing concealed carry.
Constitutional Carry is growing in other states
According to the Star Telegram, Texas State Rep. Jonathan Stickland has filed a bill to allow “Constitutional Carry” — to let any Texan who legally owns a handgun carry it openly or concealed without first getting a permit — across the state.
“It is a major legislative priority for the Republican Party and very popular with my constituents,” said Stickland, R-Bedford. “I think there’s a real need for it.”
“This bill will make License to Carry optional,” Stickland said. “We would no longer require a license to carry a gun in Texas.”
Gun legislation shows a growing divide among the states
Gun legislation varies among the several states and shows a growing division among them. States including Oregon and Illinois are passing more gun control laws to restrict the rights of citizens. Constitutional carry laws in other states show the expansion of gun rights.
Gun rights debates has also entered the upcoming presidential race. Candidate Kamilia Harris saying she wanted to outlaw semiautomatic firearms.
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