Some people think it’s dangerous to carry a 1911 pistol cocked and locked because they misunderstand how the design of the 1911 pistol works. The design of the 1911 pistol was revolutionary and is the most copied pistol design ever.
The growth in popularity of concealed carry for self defense has seen an explosion in new firearms targeting the concealed carry market. Companies have incorporated the design of the 1911 pistol into newer models specifically designed for concealed carry.
Everyone has different views on the type of handgun they think is best for personal protection. There are also different views of how that gun should be carried. As I’ve said multiple times in videos and other articles, the choice is up to the individual.
If you choose to carry a 1911 pistol as your every day carry, you have made a great choice, depending on the reliability of your individual gun. If you’re thinking about carrying a 1911 as your EDC but have concerns about carrying it cocked and locked, let’s examine a few things.
Safeties on the 1911 pistol
The design of a gun can only go so far in making it a safe firearm. The ultimate safety of any firearm relies on the individual who controls it. It is important to follow safe firearms handling techniques with any firearm.
There are multiple safeties on the 1911 pistol that keeps the hammer from striking the firing pen. We will take a moment to review each of them and their function before we get into carrying the gun.
A manual safety must first be disengaged on the firearm. It is common for this safety to be disengaged after the gun is drawn from its holster. The manual safety will not allow the user to press the trigger to fire the weapon.
The manual safety is only one of the features of the 1911 pistol. You must also have a proper grip on the pistol that depresses the grip safety as well. If the manual safety is disengaged but the grip safety has not been properly depressed, the gun still will not fire.
If you have a proper grip on the gun and the manual safety is disengaged you must then press the trigger to fire the gun. There are many models of the 1911 pistol that also feature a firing pin block that disengages to allow the firing pin to strike the primer.
Cocked and Locked in the holster
When the pistol is being carried cocked and locked in a quality holster, there is virtually no chance of it going off on its own. Think about how the pistol is when you’re carrying it.
The manual safety is engaged and even if it were not, there is still the grip safety that must be depressed before the gun can be fired. Also, if you have a quality holster, the trigger guard will be covered and nothing will be able to depress the trigger.
Currently on my side as I’m writing this article is my Springfield Operator 1911 holstered in one of my 1791 Gunleather holsters. I’ve carried this gun as well as my other 1911’s many times as my EDC gun.
Carry what works for you but don’t forget to practice.
The ultimate decision for your carry gun is up to you. Whatever gun you choose to carry needs to be one you feel comfortable with and that you are able to accurately shoot.
Whatever you choose to carry, take it to the range and practice regularly to become proficient with it. Practice drawing your pistol, disengaging all safeties and getting accurate shots on target.