A security guard from New Jersey was arrested for having hollow point ammo and is now facing several felony charges.
According to Ammoland: “On February 8, 2020, armored car security guard Roosevelt Twyne was returning home from work when he was stopped by three Roselle Park police officers for alleged side-tinted windows on his vehicle.
The report says that Twyne followed procedures and notified the officers he was licensed to carry a firearm and his license specifies the Smith & Wesson he had in his possession.
Twyne also possesses a SORA (Security Officer Registration Act) Card and a New Jersey Firearms Purchaser Identification Card. He had lawfully purchased and registered his handgun with a New Jersey permit to purchase.
The offences Twyne is facing are 4th-degree felony-level crimes with potential 18 months imprisonment for each.
Officer Louis Plock, arrested and charged Twyne under NJS 2C:39-3F(1) for having hollow point ammo as well as unlawful transportation of a weapon under NJS 2C:39-9D.
Twyne is presently suspended from his employment because of the arrest and a Go Fund Me account has been set up to help cover his legal fees and sustain his family.
This case demonstrates the clear lack of common sense of New Jersey officials when it comes to the Second Amendment and the clear failure of gun control laws in stopping crime.
Twyne followed every law and was on his way home from the very kind of job where someone may need a firearm to protect themselves. He went through the process to legally own and carry a firearm but it still wasn’t enough to keep him out of jail.
New Jersey has a history of arresting gun owners for the most frivolous of crimes. This case shows a clear disrespect for the people of New Jersey and for their rights.
The tyranny faced by residents of New Jersey is the result of liberal dominated state government with no checks and balances. This should serve as a warning about the dangers the rest of us could face when liberal politicians gain political power.